A few tips for your student for their second year:
- Motivate your student to draft a resume and get it critiqued by a Career Counselor if they have not done so. We can also help with decisions on a major and develop job search skills. Call 210.458.4589 to make an appointment.
- Have your student update information on the student profile and upload it, along with the resume, on UTSA’s Handshake system.
- Explore internship listings on UTSA’s Handshake system. Internships allow your student to make some money (typically!), have more to highlight on their resume, connect with people in their field(s), and test out careers they are considering! We note that our students have a much easier time when starting early, but there still may be a chance to intern this summer! Students will have an easier time with a full-time job search or admission to post-graduate programs when they have relevant experience.
- With your student, use internet-based supplemental tools to support work done in appointments with a Career Counselor and career assessment results to learn about different occupational fields.
- Help your students as they make a big professional step forward by attending career/internship fairs and events. Encourage them to follow up with employers with additional questions and thank you emails! It’s never too early to find out information, practice professional dress (required at fairs), and start building good rapport with organizations who hire! These types of events are listed on UTSA’s Handshake system under “Events.”