Employers »

The University of Texas at San Antonio is committed to offering our employer partners comprehensive recruiting services to help connect with our students and alumni.

If you are interested in learning more about the corporate partnerships available check out the breakdown of each level.

The University of Texas at San Antonio will be utilizing Handshake to connect companies with UTSA students and alumni. If you have not created your free account on Handshake, you can learn more with some tips from Handshake.

Recruiting Overview

Promote your job opportunities to students at UTSA. The University Career Center Employer Engagement team will arrange for you to have a table in a high-traffic area of the campus to ensure maximum visibility for your recruiting team. You may distribute company job applications or collect resumes in addition to promoting your organization. All organizations must have an active profile and open position on Handshake. Table Recruiting is available for the Fall and Spring semesters. Please send an email to employer.engagement@utsa.edu with your request.

The University Career Center provides private interview rooms and will assist in the coordination of scheduling UTSA students. Your organization can schedule your virtual interviews on Handshake to connect with students across UTSA. If you need assistance in creating a virtual interview schedule contact us at employer.engagement@utsa.edu

Introduce your company or organization to UTSA students and alumni at Career Fairs and Expos. These events are ideal for recruiting UTSA students, prospective graduates, and alumni from diverse academic and employment backgrounds for your full-time degree, part-time, and internship opportunities. A full list of events can be found on our Events page.