TSPE’s key areas of focus are:
- Promoting and Protecting the Professional Engineer
- Leadership, Communication, Networking
- Developing Future Professional Engineers
The Texas Society of Professional Engineers, one of the largest state societies in the United States, was founded in 1936 to serve the interests of the individual engineer in Texas across all branches of engineering. Composed of 24 local chapters and eight student chapters, TSPE is the only active, established organization devoting its entire effort to the professional, ethical, economic, social and political aspects of engineering in Texas. Our very own UTSA chapter was established in 2011 and has since been involved with several other engineering organizations to provide quality events involving both students and professionals.
TSPE strives to foster professional development of our members through providing information, resources, and events. Our goal is to prepare members for their future careers by providing networking and social events as well as information and resources regarding the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.