Careerbuilder’s Industry Insight-Computer Security Specialist (Cyber Security)

Computer Security Specialist

A computer security specialist develops plans and establishes security measures to safeguard an organization’s electronic data and computer systems.

A typical day in the life of a computer security specialist might include:

  • Monitoring networks for security breaches
  • Establishing security standards and recommending equipment or technology upgrades
  • Maintaining knowledge of current security trends.

Average Salaries for

Computer Security Specialist



 Top Pay by Location

These cities have the highest paying median for Computer Security Specialist

New York, NY


Washington, DC


Charlotte, NC


Los Angeles, CA


Houston, TX


Dallas, TX


Chicago, IL


Atlanta, GA


Salary information is calculated from job seeker profiles and job postings. Both hourly and yearly wages could be reported.

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Insider Tips

The typical average pay for computer security specialists is $93,000 per year. Computer security specialists can typically land an entry-level position in this field with just a bachelor’s degree. In order to secure higher paying positions, however, they may need to earn a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) in information systems. Computer security specialists who have previously had roles as network administrators or information technology professionals may also take on more advanced roles in this field.


By Veronica Rodriguez
Veronica Rodriguez Career Counselor-College of Business