Employer Externship Request Form

Host Company Address(Required)
Host Contact Person(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please allow us at least 30 days to effectively promote your event to students.
Externship Start Time(Required)
Externship End Time(Required)
Preferred Dress(Required)
College(s) of Interest for Exploration Event(Required)
Please include details about the externship day. Something things to think about: What will students get out of this experience? What departments will be included? Will there be a project?

Thank You!

We greatly appreciate your willingness to partner with us as we work to assist UTSA students. Please allow 24-48 hours for our Experiential Learning Team to review and respond to your request. For questions, please contact Rachael Fletcher via email at internships@utsa.edu or call her at 210-458-7486.