5 Easy Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before Your Job Interview

The interview is a chance to show that you’re the right person for the job, but if you’re not confident that you’ve got what it takes, the interviewer won’t be either.  If it’s any comfort, know that plenty of people are worried that their anxiety will sabotage their job interview performance. According to a 2013 study by Harris Interactive and Everest College, 92% of U.S. adults are anxious about job interviews, and 17% of people ranked fear of being nervous as their top concern.  Luckily, you can cross “nervous about being nervous” off your list with these stress-relief exercises that will help to calm your job interview anxiety.  https://www.fastcompany.com/40403683/five-easy-ways-to-calm-your-nerves-five-minutes-before-your-job-interview?campaign_date=04082017&partner=newsletter&position=3

By Sara Goede
Sara Goede Assistant Director of Career Development