Parallel Planning! Did not get into PT School…now what?

What can you do with a Kinesiology Degree?

COEHD students often approach our office and ask: “So I am here to get a feel for the options that may be available to me with a Kinesiology degree,” or “So what jobs can I get with a Kinesiology degree?” I am writing this article to share with you different job titles and positions that previous students have attained, resources that you can use to identify positions of interest, and additional job titles to consider.

That being said, I would like to offer a disclaimer: the fact that you have attained a Kinesiology degree from UTSA does not mean you are automatically qualified for the positions that are referenced in this article. That will require a combination of networking (Linked In, connecting with your professors, joining professional associations), getting related experience (internships, on-campus involvement, research experience, part-time jobs, volunteerism/shadowing), and effectively presenting your academic experiences (presenting academic knowledge and competencies on your resume/cover letter). The UTSA University Career Center is here to assist you with all of the career development steps mentioned above!

Check out some of the following positions that are related to Kinesiology:

Physical Therapy Assistant
Sports Instructor with Athletics Global Education and Sports Academy
Personal Trainer (Certification required) with Lifetime Fitness, Gold’s Gym, LA Fitness, Fitness 19, and many others
Fitness Coordinator
Recreation Supervisor with the City of San Antonio
Health Fitness Specialist with Medifit
Certified Recovery Specialist with Airrosti Rehab Centers
Aquatics Director
Intramurals Director/Coordinator

For more Kinesiology Related job titles, please refer to the “What Can I do with a Kinesiology Degree? handout in the Resources section.



By Michael Zucker
Michael Zucker Career Counselor, College of Education & Human Development